Pro Graphic Design with Illustrator
اكتشف إبداعك وساعد أفكارك على الازدهار مع دورة الإليستريتور الممتعة والتفاعلية. من خلال هذه الدورة، ستتعلم كيفية استخدام أدوات الإليستريتور بمهارة، وتطوير م...
اكتشف إبداعك وساعد أفكارك على الازدهار مع دورة الإليستريتور الممتعة والتفاعلية. من خلال هذه الدورة، ستتعلم كيفية استخدام أدوات الإليستريتور بمهارة، وتطوير م...
Master the art of graphic design in this comprehensive course using Adobe Illustrator. You will learn how to:
Create stunning vector graphics and illustrations
Use advanced tools and techniques for professional results
Design logos, icons, and branding materials
Develop a strong portfolio to showcase your skills
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قياس الاثر
0:5:0Illustrator Documents
00:05:00Illustrator workspaces & Properties Panel
00:13:00Navigation & zooming in illustrator
00:09:00Illustrator Preferences & Settings
00:12:00Illustrator Transformation & Rotation
00:12:00Illustrator Pathfinder panel & Shape Builder tool
00:11:00Illustrator Selection tools & methods
00:09:00Grouping elements in illustrator
00:06:00Illustrator Align & distribute panel
00:04:00Illustrator Guides, Grids & Rulers
00:11:00Illustrator drawing modifying tools
00:14:00Illustrator Course Resources
قياس الأثر
0:5:0Illustrator Stroke Panel
00:09:00Illustrator color panels (color, swatches, themes, guide)
00:20:00Illustrator Gradient colors panel
00:13:00Illustrator Appearance & Graphic style panels
00:09:00Illustrator effects
00:14:00Exercise: Appearance, graphic style, gradients
00:09:00قياس الاثر 2
0:5:0Illustrator Pencil Tool
00:07:00Illustrator Brush tool
00:04:00Drawing modes
00:17:00Illustrator curvature tool
00:05:00Drawing modify tools
00:14:00Transform tools
00:10:00Illustrator Envelope Distort
00:08:00Drawing Symmetric Shapes
00:09:00Drawing Concentric Symmetrical design
00:11:00Illustrator Clipping Masks
00:11:00Illustrator Opacity Masks
00:08:00Illustrator live paint bucket tool
00:09:00Recolor Artwork
00:09:00Complex Drawing Exercise
00:08:00قياس الاثر 3
0:5:0Illustrator Art Brushes
00:14:00Illustrator Scatter Brush
00:09:00Illustrator Bristle Brush
00:07:00Illustrator Calligraphic brush
00:10:00Illustrator Pattern brush
00:05:00Handling images in illustrator
00:15:00Tracing images in illustrator
00:13:00Illustrator image exercise
00:03:00قياس الاثر 4
0:4:0Illustrator Paragraphes control
00:12:00Illustrator Character & paragraph styles panels
00:11:00Illustrator Type style
00:16:00Illustrator Touch type tool
00:02:00Type on a path
00:06:00Illustrator Typography Art directions & trending visual effects
00:14:00Illustrator text wrap
00:02:00Exercise: Typography composition
00:03:00قياس الاثر 5